Looking back is always nostalgic, even if it feels like yesterday, when in fact the journey started in January 2020. Looking back to reflect brings varied emotions of pride, joy, excitement and curiosity for what 2021 has in store for MMW.
We are proud to be shedding the light on an increasingly concerning issue, of how the new reality of a connected world is intensifying the stressors of youth's mental health. Our vision is focused on changing that by creating a world where our mental wellbeing is valued, promoted and encouraged.
We are joyful as our first mission is focused on bringing mental wellbeing tools and programs to Millennials at workplaces. 2020 proved to be an incredible year in spite of Covid19; we signed off our first enterprise partner, where we ran two successful events, which were well received and attended. We are renewing our commitment and contract with our partner for 2021. We have also secured a number of collaborations, including Global Shapers from the World Economic Forum, to whom we just remotely delivered our first Millennial Mental Wellbeing Workshop on Stress for their youth audience. We have also signed two partnership agreements with two other mental health startups.
We are excited as our purpose gained immense traction from Millennials, who validated our firm belief in the need for a new mental health toolbox that addresses our current digital connected reality. This was further elevated by other influential stakeholders who chose to join us on our journey. Referring to our insightful, and knowledgeable board members whose experience, drive and network will play a key role in our 2021 journey.

Lastly, as the founder, I am extremely excited and curious about how we will continue to grow and advance youth's mental wellbeing agenda. Especially following the team growth from 1 Millennial to 17, with 15 different nationalities. All united and volunteering to advance and change the course of how millennial mental wellbeing should be addressed and catered for in the future. And we are just getting started.
Thank you for being part of our journey,
I wish all of you a safe and warm Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.